Prepare your trainees for exams and increase the educational and economic efficiency of your training courses!
Discover our simulations for the heavy goods and person transport vehicle sector, specially designed to meet the needs of training organizations offering heavy goods vehicle and person transport training courses. We can help you: measure your trainees’ skills, trace your data, optimize your trainers’ schedules…
Thanks to predefined training paths, in line with the requirements of the exams and the trade and skills repositories, our solution helps you to train highly qualified professional drivers, in complete safety. To ensure our relevance, we work closely with truck training experts.
Our driving simulators are designed to help you optimize your training schedules and maximize the occupancy of your trainees while they are learning. You can provide high-quality hands-on training while saving valuable resources, such as time and fuel, and avoiding the risk of breakage or wear and tear of real vehicles. As a result, your simulators contribute to greater profitability of your training sessions, while guaranteeing comprehensive training in line with exam requirements.
Your simulators record trainee performance in detail, providing valuable data on their progress. You can track individual and group performance, adjust your programs and courses to suit your specific pedagogical needs, and ensure full traceability of your data, meeting your training delivery compliance requirements.
Based on new technologies and simulation, ACREOS helps you look to the future and leads you towards Training 4.0.